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Our Products

Outdoor Lighting

Wirtz and Daughters is a distributor of low-voltage outdoor lighting fixtures, transformers, wire and accessories. We carry the full line of CAST lighting and Alliance Outdoor Lighting. Both of these manufacturers offer the fixtures in both halogen or LED. 

CAST Lighting

From its fixtures to transformers, wire to accessories, Wirtz and Daughters has this top of the line, durable and easy to install lighting system ready to enhance your landscape at night.  Wirtz and Daughters carries all three lines offered by CAST Lighting including the Impressionist, Classic and Craftsman series. The fixtures are available in halogen and LED.

Small China Hat Path Light

This rugged solid bronze path/area light provides a soft glare free illumination. Check-out our online store for more details.

LED MR-16 Bullet Light

This rugged solid bronze MR-16 fixture is know as the workhorse of landscape lighting. It is virtually indestructible, weathers to a beautiful patina and survives the harshest of environmental conditions. Check-out our online store for more details.

LED Engineered Wall Light

Attractive wall light constructed of solid bronze with a flat copper bracket for easy flush mounting under capstones, between courses of block and under railings. Check-out our online store for more details.

8" Under the Cap Light

This LED brass fixture fits descretely under the cap of walls and stair treads. Check-out our online store for more details.

Area/Path Lights

Attractive area light is brass with an aged brass finish. Comes with a lifetime warranty and you pick the size stem you want to mount it on. Check-out our online store for more details.

Bluetooth Transformers

Updated technology now allows you to turn your lights on and off via an app on your phone. Check-out our online store for more details.

Alliance Lighting

Wirtz & Daughters offers Alliance outdoor lighting. This outdoor low-voltage lighting system provides effective results without trading off quality. Alliance outdoor lighting will add value to any property. professionals, landscape contractors and outdoor lighting installers will experience the beauty that Alliance outdoor lighting system can add to the landscape at night.

Please visit our online store for more information and to purchase these exquisite outdoor lighting products.

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